
Our Cooperate Social Responsibility

As part of the CSR of a construction company, we understand that our work and business decisions have an impact not only on our organization and stakeholders but also on the communities that support our daily lives and livelihoods. As a result, we have endeavored to operate in ways that contribute to society and the environment  notably (but not exclusively) in the following areas:

• Comply strictly with environmental protection issues emanating from host communities.

• Source labor substantially from within the local community where we work thereby creating employment for local people.

• Involve local sub-contractors and suppliers in our projects by awarding sub-contract work and utilizing supply of local building materials.

• Provide community development and assistance to the host community such as the provision of boreholes, constructed drainage, donated funds, and building materials to host community projects.

• The company operates a standard employment policy without discrimination as detailed by NJIC.

• Provision of scholarships for students studying courses in the built environment such as Civil Engineering, Building Construction and Architecture in tertiary institutions.