DENDION LOGISTICS SERVICES LIMITED with its wealth of experience and technical expertise, execute contracts awarded to it properly to meet client’s specifications and various internationally set standards of assessment.

In our jobs, emphasis is placed on maintaining quality with particular emphasis on finishing and coordination with other trades. Hence, we employ a high level of supervisory control on our workers and sub-contractors.

We also believe that quality cannot be managed effectively without awareness, advancement, consolidation and integration.

In addition, safety is one of our priorities as our well trained safety officers will work hand in hand without engineers to maintain a high level of safety at site.

We naturally like to operate in a clean and tidy environment and any contract handled by us will not be an exception. Security of personnel, equipment and materials on our site are guaranteed as we employ workers who are groomed to be security conscious, of high integrity and honesty.

Conformance to requirements (Quality is meeting agreed costumer requirements). By this definition Quality is judging how a product or service is perceived by the customer, whether internal or external. The key word is ‘agreed’ since the customer must always be involved in defining the requirements. It is then up to the supplier to ensure that the business processes and their resultant activities and tasks are completed in an efficient and profitable manner.

The business process itself is a number of related activities aimed at achieving the products, services or advise that will satisfy customer requirements. All links between suppler and customers have to be joined through a process designed to meet effectively customer needs. In a nutshell, those needs are not met through the isolated work of independent department: rather, through a linked sequence of activities which transcends traditional, functional boundaries.

  • Putting the customer first
  • Involving people
  • Processed and systems
  • Leadership and direction
  • Acting on facts
  • Continuous improvement

The key to business is to know and or anticipate not just the market place, but also your capability within a specific market sector. It then follows that the key to quality   is identifying, association  with, and  consequently meeting,  agreed  customer   requirements, obviously,  Shell would quickly lose customer  is, say, if produced lubrication oils without due consideration of what the automotive industry wants.

Putting the Customer first involves
The key to business is to know and or anticipate not just the market place, but also your capabilities within a specific market sector. It then follows that the key to quality is identifying associating with and consequently meeting, agreed  customer’s  requirements. Obviously, shell would quickly lose customers  if say it produced lubricating oils without due  consideration of what the automotive industry wants.

Striving to find out and anticipate the requirements of your internal and external customer.

All employees prepared to listen open-mindedly to their customers. Building customers requirements into the design of new products  and processes along with the provision of services and advice.

Both have to do with defining a long term vision the organization,  which is widely understood. Simultaneously, a consistent and appropriate management style and organizational culture must be developed and maintained. The sought after result. An ability to hold to long-term aims in the face of short-term crisis.
Open enthusiasm for management style and the habit of leading by example. Ongoing managerial production of the improvement process, as ‘coach’, not ‘judge’

Training enhances skills: focused  involvement brings those completeness to bear in a coordinate manner on a defined goal. It includes:
Effectively planning the resources and building trust through experience and knowledge. Using teamwork and training to involve everyone systematically.
Delegating appropriate accountability and responsibility, target setting and staff appraisal.

Acting on facts introduces discipline to the organization and allows for setting targets, implementation of actions and monitoring of progress (or measurement of the cost of quality). It involves:
Tracing problems back to their root causes.
Looking for ways to measure what we do and setting targets based on these criteria.
Using at all times a disciplined and rigorous process to solve problems.
Understanding the assumptions and uncertainties, and making decisions based on knowledge and experience.

Here emphasis is on:
Recognizing that it is the performance of processed which results in the satisfaction customer needs and that, in any organization processes usually operate ‘horizontally’ (cross-functionally).
Ensuring that the processed for which you are responsible  are mapped controlled  and improved constantly.  Involving external  and  internal  suppliers  as  partners  in the  improvement process. Ensuring that the information technology systems support the process.

Quality involves satisfying customer  requirement –not simply to specification. A specification can be met; the satisfaction of customer requirements can always be improved. Good enough is just not good  enough.  Continuous  improvement requires a feedback  loop between results and plans. It involves.

Treating mistakes and problems as opportunities to learn and improve.
Seeking out best practice and striving to emulate and improve on it.
Allocate the time to plan for improvement and building in prevention control.
Challenging constantly the status quo and striving for better ways of doing things.
Overtime, developing the capability of people

The demonstrable success of implementing these principles and values will be measures  of how a company is progressing towards total business effectiveness.

The quality of business processes is dependent on people  inside the organization  working to their full potential. This sounds deceptively easy, but in essence it is a matter of involving and motivating everyone  to realize their full relents and enthusiasm, while focusing communal efforts on meeting the needs of customers, both internal and external.
A quality organization  cannot be achieved without concentrated efforts to improve the structures, processes, systems and style that support and standardize its business operations. Furthermore, any gains, if they are to be maintained and continuously improved have to be closely linked in with how people  work together;  can the organization  deliver quality products  and services? We come back to people: their knowledge, skills and human resource policies (rewards systems, for example) that support  and promote continuous improvement. Mere structures,  processes,  systems or style are insufficient in themselves to deliver quality. There has to be an integrated  approach, with constant effort on all fronts over time.

Managing for improvement needs to be structured and planned, and it is at this stage that the management team will need to identify the path to be taken. A model of change can be used to guide the approach.
· Define present state: agree on initial findings in respect of improvement opportunities.
· Identify desired future state: where the organization wants to be in about the years time in terms of vision, objective and goals.
· Analyze the gap between desired future and present states: identify key business issues and organization capability gaps, including structures, systems, style and people.
· Prepare an implementation plan for improvement (including cost, time and resources).
· Manage the transition, analyze the barriers and how to overcome these to achieve the goals, mobilize energy and commitment, involve people, build the capabilities, train and communicate.
· Review and monitor progress continuously, measure achievement, maintain momentum, learn from experience.

Key features of the implementation plan will be to:
· Set up a structure to manage improvement appropriate for the number and type of projects in the organization. In the early stages, it is essential that there is a steering committee ( Q M S C ) c h a i r e d b y t h e c h i e f e x e c u t i v e o r c o o r d i n a t o r a n d i f n e c e s s a r y , functional/departmental teams to lead the process.
· Integrate Quality to the vision, objectives and goals, and communicate throughout the organization.
· Appoint a quality management advisor (QMA) to facilitate the plan.
· Run an educational quality awareness programme for staff.
· Select and train key staff to back up the process.
· Organize for separate quality improvement at a functional/departmental level. This may require the setting up of separate quality improvement teams (QITS) comprised preferable of a cross section of trusted and influential staff within the department.
· Provide training to improve general staff competence in problem solving techniques, business process analysis, team building, management of change, and styles of leadership.
· Select systematically a number of improvement projects across the company.

The formal establishment of projects legitimizes the improvement activities of individuals and groups, harnessing enthusiasm, which might otherwise get swamped by day-to-day pressures. Formal projects enable people to devote time and to secure the necessary resources. Taking improvement leads nowhere. Action through projects, tackling specific definable problems, i.e the way.

An organization that wishes to work as a totality to satisfy agreed customer requirement needs a uniform company-wide adoption of a disciplined methodology. It needs clear problem-solving methods and a ready understanding of the improvement process, with sharp emphasis on prevention of a problem. Quality improvement project teams and quality circles, using problem- solving methodology, are described in Management Improvement.

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